Thursday, June 28, 2012

insanity day 3

today was the "cardio recovery" day, which was a lot of stretching, balancing, and slow excruciating squats/lunges. but only 30 minutes! Still sweating, even though I didn't get my heart rate up as high as the regular cardio vids do. which is AOK by me :)

going to shower, and meet up with a friend and walk the high line! a mile long above ground walking path/garden/awesomeness that starts in the west village and ends up in midtown.

today started out bad (totally lazy and unmotivated and self loathing), but I still managed to get up and do insanity, which really has put me in a better mood to take on the rest of the day. I need to get in the habit of doing it in the morning, that way I feel this awesome all day long!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So no insanity today, which is okay, i planned to take off 2 days a week max. there's 1. hoping to go the rest of the week with it, but taking 1 day at a time. had a GREAT audition today, so I was feelin good!

Walked in and around central park with my handsome and talented friend Sean. Gabbed about life over veggie falafels. A perfect activity on a perfectly sunny day.

Excited for tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Insanity Day 2

Cardio Power Resistance today. And boy did I resist doing cardio power...punny..

Lots more push-up type exercises, which I loathe. Each circuit of exercises are done 3 times, and there are multiple circuits, and by the 3rd time around of the last 2 circuit things, I was TIRED. My muscles are sore from yesterday, especially my calves from all that jumping, so I didn't work as hard as I did yesterday, but I still worked hard. Yes run-ons. 45 minutes went quickly today, let's hope it continues to do so :-P

Going to babysit my cousin in bkln tonight. Yay! I love that little stinker.

Monday, June 25, 2012


So, I decided to start Insanity. Just to try it.


I did the Plyo-Cardio thing. Well, I tried. I was dying. 45 minutes of absolute madness. But I made it all the way through! I had to modify some of the jumps and squats for my knee, not quite as high impact, but I did all the running and upper body stuff. I haven't sworn that much in a long time.

Feelin good, we'll see if I want to do this for 60 days...let's just agree that today was a success and I may or may not do it tomorrow.

Day off today, pretty busy the rest of the week. Let's go!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Not so proud of this week, didn't do a lot. Walked 2 miles today with a friend, but very slow, as I wore stupid shoes and got blisters. Considering signing up for Planet Fitness, no contract or commitment, and pretty cheap. No classes though, which sucks, but at least they have AC and ellipticals. Is that worth $10/month (plus $20 to start, and $30/year maintenance fee)? Exercise is free, though. Things to consider...I was considering joining a regular NYC gym, but the contracts are ridiculous, incredibly expensive, and difficult to get out of.

Did 40 each (total, 10 reps, 4 sets) of bi/tri/shoulder with the resistance band tonight, too.

Ate okay this week (somewhere in there I had a cheeseburger and fries and beer), but generally speaking I did well. Made a delicious greek yogurt, mango, banana, and pineapple smoothie yesterday. Will probably make one tomorrow, too. Greek yogurt and lowfat granola every day for breakfast (except smoothie days, too much yogurt!).

Cleaned my room today, it was a colossal pig stye, so being organized and clean is good.

I'd like to get into a routine of getting up early and working out in the morning. One roommate goes to work at 7:40, and the other doesn't generally get up until 9ish, so if I wanted to work out at home I could do it then, or go out for a run before it gets too hot. I think establishing a non-audition day routine would be healthy.

Okay, think I'll go to bed early (crazy Saturday night!).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

chuggin' along

Sunday was Father's Day, I took a day off from exercising and went out to Jerz to see him and have dinner. Pork chops, mmm.

Monday morning, I ran 1.5 miles in 24 minutes, 16ish min/mile. 3 loops around the community. Definitely better than nothing!

Today I did 15 minutes of yoga, took a break, and 25 minutes of Zumba in my living room. Not bad, I suppose. I'm pooped, and super sweaty!

Nice day off today, hopefully will reorganize and get my life together a little bit!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Today I ran/walked from Columbus Circle, up through Central Park and around the reservoir. Total 3.37 miles in 55 minutes. I'd say a TOTAL success. I walked more than I wanted to, but that's okay. I didn't feel like I couldn't breathe or heaving for breath (like I usually do), but what made me walk more was my calves, they were burning. 99% of why I usually stop running is because I can't breathe, but this time I could breathe and my legs were sore. Lots of stretching happening today, for sure!

Made salsa chicken burritos last night, had some leftovers today. Mmm, mmm! And Skinny Cow Ice cream was on sale, you know I had to get some. It's that TotM, girl.

Feelin good! Happy weekend, all!

Friday, June 15, 2012

productive week!

Tuesday I had 2 auditions, and that same day got a callback from one of them for dance. They didn't ask me to stay after that, but I got a free 40 minute SUPER cardio dance class, not difficult, but very high energy and fast paced, which means I was sweating bouquets.

Wednesday, my sweet friend Erin took a bus to see me for a sleepover. Did a lot of walking then, but yesterday we calculated we walked 3 miles throughout the whole city, up and down between restaurants and stores and adventures! Making me feel marginally better about the cheesecake and cupcake we ate. Yikes. Sugar spike!

Today I had a wonderful wonderful lunch date with a new friend. We packed lunches to not only save money (giiiirl you know actors is thriftay!) but to be healthier, too. And she inspired me in so many ways, not just in my eating/exercising discipline, but in my spiritual discipline, too. I was so incredibly encouraged, and then walked from the bottom of Central Park up to the top, 2.5 miles. Beautiful view, didn't have to stop at each block and look for traffic since I was on the park side, and the weather was incredible.

Overall I'd say a good week (aside from the sweets). Old friends and new friends, slowly making healthier choices and habits are starting to form. I like it.

Happy weekend!

Monday, June 11, 2012

run freedom run

Saturday while I was babysitting a sleeping child, I did about 30 minutes of lighter-impact Zumba in the living room, and yesterday was the TONY'S. To be fair, I've never actually watched them before, and certainly never hosted a party for them, but I made a delicious pasta/chicken sausage/spinach/ mozzarella casserole which was a hit, we had wine, and I did have a couple cookie/brownie things that Ange made. So, not the greatest overall, but watching the Tony's definitely inspired me to be fit!

So today, instead of being mopey like I've been for the past two months, I decided to run in and around central park. I found the reservoir eventually, and ran (jog/walked) around that. --Total 2.5 miles.
-8 pushups (not the girl kind!)
-30 sec. plank
-3 sets of 10 each shoulder/bicep/tricep (from here on out known as sho-bi-tri) with my resistance band

And a nice stretching time afterwards. Got my sweat ON!

Hopefully will get together with my D this week? I love working out with a buddy.

This week's off to a good start. Happy Monday!

Friday, June 8, 2012

c'monnnnnn Greta!

Well, it's been an emotionally difficult week. I have done a lot of walking around the city, and I've been really good about my eating habits, so I guess I don't really have anything to be mopey about, but...alas, mopeyness abounds. I think once I go home to PA (today!), get all the crap I need (videos, yoga mat, food processor, etc), I will feel a lot more prepared and motivated.

I did have a dance callback, and when that doesn't lead to a job it's called a free dance class. So I did some dance cardio for 45 minutes yesterday, which is awesome. I am so ready to get all my measurements and really get started. I'm picking up all the supplies in PA/NJ this weekend. I've been procrastinating until I went home to get that stuff, which is silly. Will also probably do some more Zumba choreographing (I'm SO SICK of my current routines), which will be super fun.

Anyway, I'd like to make a much more structured plan, take measurements, and all that. Now's the time, folks! Let's get up and get movin'!

Love to my two D's, who keep encouraging me even when I feel like poop on a stick.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

late update.

well three days have gone by without any actual put my big girl shoes on and exercise. walking around the city is the most I've done (and helped a friend I lifted?).

BUT I'm feeling inspired (at midnight on a Saturday). I am in desperate need of a trip to the grocery store. The only food I possess is peanut butter and frozen green beans. So I'm excited to get a lot of fresh veggies and fruits and healthy stuff. Woo! Also, I decided that I should probably not sign up for a gym, as it's expensive and exercising is free if you have some structure to your schedule and stick to it. I also have an enormous living area in which to work out that's air conditioned, so I have the space. I have a ton of crap at my mom's (yoga mat, weights, videos, etc.) that I'd LOVE to use, but I won't be going to PA for at least another week or two, so I will just have to be creative until then. Once I come up with a schedule/plan, I'll post it on here.

My 25th birthday is in a little over a month, and I think setting small goals along the way will be helpful instead of just "I'm tired of being a chubb-o!" So my goal, since I still don't have a scale, will be to fit into my skinny jeans. They're an Old Navy size 8 (which means everywhere else size 10...Old Navy likes to make us girls feel good!), and I'm currently in a 14 (non ON, so in ON language, I'm a 12). Numbers are always subjective, but I think fitting into my skinny jeans is a tangeable goal. Maybe not in a month, but we'll see. I'd also settle for just feeling better. Lethargy is an ugly feeling, and filling my body with carbs and processed food doesn't make me feel any better. So I'm tired of feeling like poop on a stick all the time, and I really like those jeans, so...plan hashing: ago!